Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I will talk about the first day I went to school. My first day was neither a good day nor a bad day but a memorable day. I followed my cousin who was 6 years old to go to school. Because my house near to my school so we went to school without our parents. At that time, there were only 70 or 80 new pupils. To sign in school was easy. We stood in school-yard to wait for teachers to take us to our classes. Unfortunately I was only one who was out of the teachers’ lists. They didn’t know which class I would be in. Then they brought me to meet the principal. He told me that I was just five years old. I wasn’t old enough to go to school and I should return the next year. Of course I was crying a lot and I didn’t agree. I came back my house and told my father that I wanted to go to school like my cousin. So my father and I went to school again to see the principal. Finally I was accepted to attend the school at the age of five.

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